About Zho

At this site you can find information and stuff about Traveller and other cool sci-fi games. You can read about and have a look at the maps of the border sectors, Spinward Marches and Foreven Sector, between the two interstellar empires, The Third Imperium and the Zhodani Consulate. You can use generators to produce stuff for your games (or just for fun). You can find or generate maps for your games. You can find lots of adventure ideas.

The Zhodani Base is run by P-O “BeRKA” Bergstedt. Click here for contact information.

BeRKA has been playing Traveller since the early 80’s. BeRKA has been playing all different versions of traveller, but he prefers Classic Traveller. This website (The Zhodani Base) was started in 1994. Anyone can contribute to this website. Just send an e-mail to BeRKA.

Everything at the Zhodani Base is Copyright The Zhodani Base (unless otherwise stated). All your base are belong to us. All rights reserved.

IMTU: tc++  tg+  ge  3i+  pi(+)  ta--  zh++

Pulp-O-Mizer Zhodani Base

The history of the Zhodani Base Website

The Zhodani Base website started in 1994. It was hosted at a server at the electronics department of the Royal Institute of Technology.
At this time, the website was not yet called The Zhodani Base. It was called Mayday.

An early header image
An early header image

The contents at that time was not much more than the first part of the Trading on Pylkah adventure (including the Far Trader), and a blank subsector map.

An early logo
An early logo

In 1996 the Zhodani Base moved to a free hosting service called Passagen.

I found a web-address shortening service called base.org. (It is not working anymore.) There I registered zhodani.base.org, and started using The Zhodani Base as the name for the web-site.

Parts of this website can still be found using the Wayback Machine.

In 1999 the Zhodani Based moved to a web host called FS Data. It was quite expensive, but it allowed me to use scripts. A few popular script I made were the random subsector generator, the web-based galactic maps and the LBB Front Cover Generator.

An interesting ATU...
An interesting ATU…

In 2008 the Zhodani Base started using the WordPress blogging software. (At my personal blog berka.se I started using WordPress 2005) A few posts from an earlier WebBoard was recovered and included in the Blog. The oldest post recovered is from 1999.

Header Image from the blog in 2008
Header Image from the blog in 2008

A few recent highlights:
In 2009, the first Zhodani Base 76 Patrons Writing Contest was held. The winner was Raz, with Universal Health Care.

In 2011, the first Zhodani Base Awards was held. (Or actually, on the first day of 2012 so that everything published for Traveller in 2011 would be considered.)

In 2017, I started writing the Adventures of the Starship Notorious.

Moving to a new domain and web host:
In 2018, after almost 20 years at the web host FS Data (and a total cost of $ 5,500) I decided to move. FS Data doesn’t provide a good and modern service any longer, and the price is too high. I moved to Inleed that is both cheaper and more modern. I also got new domain for the Zhodani Base: zhodani.space.

About the Blog

If You want to use emoticons You should read this. 🙄

To get your own icon (avatar), use gravatar.

If You are a traveller player and wants to contribute (more than just by writing comments) You should send an e-mail to BeRKA.

When You write a comment, You should also be aware of the forbidden words. The reason for this is also to make it harder for the SPAM-bots. These words are:

Nonono Words

But that wasn’t any words that You were planning to use anyway, was it? 😉


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All your base are belong to us