Tag Archives: Space Marines

Save our Space Marines

Space Marines is a term that has been used in science fiction since 1932. In Space Cadet by Robert Heinlein from 1948 the term is used. Games Workshop is now going after an author (MCA Hogarth) who wrote a book called “Spots the Space Marine“.

Amazing Stories December 1936
Amazing Stories December 1936
Image from wikimedia – Public Domain

Games Workshop needs to be stopped. A boycott was suggested by two Traveller fans at the Zhodani Base Facebook page. I hope they then will understand that they cannot hijack science fiction archetypes.

We must save our Space Marines!It’s easy for me to boycott GW. I haven’t bought anything from them for a long time. I hope you can do the same, and spread the word. Don’t buy anything from Games Workshop until they repent their behaviour and drop their trade mark of the term Space Marine.

Update: Good news from the Electronic Frontier Foundation. The battle is won, but the war continues.